FHIR CORE Comunidad Online
3.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

FHIR CORE Comunidad Online - Local Development build (v3.0.0-ballot). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Tipo Identificador

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203 Version: 3.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2019-12-01 Computable Name: TipoIdentificador
Other Identifiers: id: urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.18.108

Copyright/Legal: Copyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain

(IdentifierType) HL7-defined code system of concepts specifying type of identifier. Used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging data types CX, PLN, PPN, XCN and XON.

Underlying Master Code System for V2 table 0203 (Identifier Type)

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

statushttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#statuscodeStatus of the concept
deprecatedhttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-table-deprecatedcodeVersion of HL7 in which the code was deprecated
v2-concCommenthttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concCommentstringV2 Concept Comment
v2-concCommentAsPubhttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v2-concCommentAsPubstringV2 Concept Comment As Published
HL7usageNoteshttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#HL7usageNotesstringHL7 Concept Usage Notes


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203 defines the following codes in a Is-A heirarchy:

CodeDisplayDefinitionV2 Concept CommentV2 Concept Comment As PublishedHL7 Concept Usage NotesDeutsch (German, de)
AC Accreditation/Certification IdentifierIdentifier that has been assigned by an accreditation or certification organization in specific fields, indicating a recognized skillIn Ask at Order Entry (AOE) questions this can be used to identify the ID with the assigning authority. For instance, a credentialed sonographer whose identifier assigned by the credentialing body has been entered can be properly labeled.
ACSN Accession IDAccession IdentifierAccession Identifier
AIN Animal Identification Number (US Official)A numbering system for the official identification of individual animals in the United States that provides a nationally unique identification number for each animal. The first two numbers on a tag are the numbers assigned to a specific State.AIN is the official acronym used by USDA
AM American ExpressAmerican ExpressDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Deprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.American Express
AMA American Medical Association NumberA physician identifier assigned by the AMA.A physician identifier assigned by the AMA.
AN Account numberAccount An identifier that is unique to an account.An identifier that is unique to an account.Kontonummer
ANC Account number CreditorA more precise definition of an account numberClass: Financial<p>Sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>KreditorenkontonummerClass: Financial<p>A more precise definition of an account number: sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>Kreditorenkontonummer
AND Account number debitorA more precise definition of an account numberClass: Financial<p>Sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>DebitorenkontonummerClass: Financial<p>A more precise definition of an account number: sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>Debitorenkontonummer
ANON Anonymous identifierAn identifier for a living subject whose real identity is protected or suppressedJustification: For public health reporting purposes, anonymous identifiers are occasionally used for protecting patient identity in reporting certain results. For instance, a state health department may choose to use a scheme for generating an anonymous identifier for reporting a patient that has had a positive human immunodeficiency virus antibody test. Anonymous identifiers can be used in PID 3 by replacing the medical record number or other non-anonymous identifier. The assigning authority for an anonymous identifier would be the state/local health department.An identifier for a living subject whose real identity is protected or suppressed Justification: For public health reporting purposes, anonymous identifiers are occasionally used for protecting patient identity in reporting certain results. For instance, a state health department may choose to use a scheme for generating an anonymous identifier for reporting a patient that has had a positive human immunodeficiency virus antibody test. Anonymous identifiers can be used in PID 3 by replacing the medical record number or other non-anonymous identifier. The assigning authority for an anonymous identifier would be the state/local health department.
ANT Temporary Account NumberTemporary version of an Account NumberClass: Financial Use Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign account numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary account number that will only be used until an official account number is assigned.Class: Financial Temporary version of an Account Number. Use Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign account numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary account number that will only be used until an official account number is assigned.
APRN Advanced Practice Registered Nurse numberAn identifier that is unique to an advanced practice registered nurse within the jurisdiction of a certifying boardAn identifier that is unique to an advanced practice registered nurse within the jurisdiction of a certifying board
ASID Ancestor Specimen IDA unique identifier for the ancestor specimen.All child, grandchild, etc. specimens of the ancestor specimen share the same Ancestor Specimen ID.A unique identifier for the ancestor specimen. All child, grandchild, etc. specimens of the ancestor specimen share the same Ancestor Specimen ID.
BA Bank Account NumberBank Account NumberClass: FinancialClass: Financial
BC Bank Card NumberAn identifier that is unique to a person's bank cardClass: Financial<p>Replaces AM, DI, DS, MS, and VS beginning in v 2.5.Class: Financial<p>An identifier that is unique to a person's bank card. Replaces AM, DI, DS, MS, and VS beginning in v 2.5.
BCFN Birth Certificate File NumberThe identifier used within the jurisdictional vital records office file system as an auxiliary means of accessing the record associated with the birth certificate.
BCT Birth CertificateA number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's birthA number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's birth.
BR Birth registry numberAn identifier unique within the Assigning Authority that is the official legal record of a person's birth.An identifier unique within the Assigning Authority that is the official legal record of a person's birth.Geburtsregisternummer
BRN Breed Registry NumberBreed Registry Number
BSNR Primary physician office numberPrimary physician office numberBetriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.Betriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.
CAAI Consumer Application Account IdentifierAn identifier for the consumer (e.g., patient, caregiver) for an application such as a portal or App.This may be the same as a username, but frequently is different.
CC Cost Center numberCost Center numberClass: Financial<p>Use Case: needed especially for transmitting information about invoices.Class: Financial<p>Use Case: needed especially for transmitting information about invoices.
CONM Change of Name DocumentA number associated with a document identifying a person's legal change of name.A number associated with a document identifying a person's legal change of name.
CY County numberCounty number
CZ Citizenship CardA number assigned by a person's country of residence to identify a person's citizenship.A number assigned by a person's country of residence to identify a person's citizenship.
DC Death Certificate IDThe identifier assigned to a death certificate, and printed on the death certificate when issued by a jurisdictional vital records office
DCFN Death Certificate File NumberThe identifier used within the jurisdictional vital records office file system as an auxiliary means of accessing the record associated with the death certificate.
DDS Dentist license numberAn identifier that is unique to a dentist within the jurisdiction of the licensing boardAn identifier that is unique to a dentist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration registration numberAn identifier for an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactions.Use case: This is a registration number that identifies an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactions. A DEA number has a very precise and widely accepted meaning within the United States. Surprisingly, the US Drug Enforcement Administration does not solely assign DEA numbers in the United States. Hospitals have the authority to issue DEA numbers to their medical residents. These DEA numbers are based upon the hospital’s DEA number, but the authority rests with the hospital on the assignment to the residents. Thus, DEA as an Identifier Type is necessary in addition to DEA as an Assigning Authority.An identifier for an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactions. Use case: This is a registration number that identifies an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactions. A DEA number has a very precise and widely accepted meaning within the United States. Surprisingly, the US Drug Enforcement Administration does not solely assign DEA numbers in the United States. Hospitals have the authority to issue DEA numbers to their medical residents. These DEA numbers are based upon the hospital’s DEA number, but the authority rests with the hospital on the assignment to the residents. Thus, DEA as an Identifier Type is necessary in addition to DEA as an Assigning Authority.
DFN Drug Furnishing or prescriptive authority NumberAn identifier issued to a health care provider authorizing the person to write drug ordersUse Case: A nurse practitioner has authorization to furnish or prescribe pharmaceutical substances; this identifier is in component 1.An identifier issued to a health care provider authorizing the person to write drug orders<p>Use Case: A nurse practitioner has authorization to furnish or prescribe pharmaceutical substances; this identifier is in component 1.
DI Diner's Club cardDiner's Club cardDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Deprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Diners Club
DL Driver's license numberDriver's license numberFührerscheinnummer
DN Doctor numberDoctor numberArztnummer
DO Osteopathic License numberAn identifier that is unique to an osteopath within the jurisdiction of a licensing board.An identifier that is unique to an osteopath within the jurisdiction of a licensing board.
DP Diplomatic PassportA number assigned to a diplomatic passport.A number assigned to a diplomatic passport.
DPM Podiatrist license numberAn identifier that is unique to a podiatrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.An identifier that is unique to a podiatrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.
DR Donor Registration NumberDonor Registration Number
DS Discover CardDiscover CardDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Deprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Discover Card
DSG Diagnostic Study GroupUnique Identifier that groups several orders that are to be performed together.Example: Radiology studies
EI Employee numberA number that uniquely identifies an employee to an employer.A number that uniquely identifies an employee to an employer.Arbeitnehmernummer
EN Employer numberEmployer numberArbeitgebernummer
ESN Staff Enterprise NumberAn identifier that is unique to a staff member within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).An identifier that is unique to a staff member within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).
FDR Fetal Death Report IDThe identifier assigned to a fetal death report, and printed on the fetal death report when issued by a jurisdictional vital records office
FDRFN Fetal Death Report File NumberThe identifier used within the jurisdictional vital records office file system as an auxiliary means of accessing the record associated with the fetal death report certificate.
FGN Filler Group NumberUnique identifier assigned to a group of orders by the filler application.This is analogous to the Placer Group Number ORC-4, except that it is assigned by the filler.
FI Facility IDFacility ID
FILL Filler IdentifierAn identifier for a request where the identifier is issued by the person, or service, that produces the observations or fulfills the request.
GI Guarantor internal identifierGuarantor internal identifierClass: FinancialClass: Financialinterne ID des Zahlungspflichtigen
GIN Animal Group Identifier (US Official)Identifier that can be used to unambiguously describe a specific group of animals.GIN is the official acronym used by USDA
GL General ledger numberGeneral ledger numberClass: FinancialClass: Financial
GN Guarantor external identifierGuarantor external identifierClass: FinancialClass: Financialexterne ID des Zahlungspflichtigen
HC Health Card NumberHealth Card Number
IND Indigenous/AboriginalA number assigned to a member of an indigenous or aboriginal group outside of Canada.A number assigned to a member of an indigenous or aboriginal group outside of Canada.
JHN Jurisdictional health numberJurisdictional health numberClass: Insurance<p>2 uses: a) UK jurisdictional CHI number; b) Canadian provincial health card number:Class: Insurance<p>2 uses: a) UK jurisdictional CHI number; b) Canadian provincial health card number:
LACSN Laboratory Accession IDA laboratory accession id is used in the laboratory domain.The concept of accession is used in other domains such as radiology, so the LACSN is used to distinguish a lab accession id from an radiology accession idA laboratory accession id is used in the laboratory domain. The concept of accession is used in other domains such as radiology, so the LACSN is used to distinguish a lab accession id from an radiology accession id
LANR Lifelong physician numberLifelong physician numberLebenslange Arztnummer - for use in German realm.Lebenslange Arztnummer - for use in German realm.
LI Labor and industries numberLabor and industries number
L&I Labor and industries numberLabor and industries number. Note that this was introduced erroneously (with an ampersand in the code value) many years ago.Deprecated as of v 2.5; Use LI instead.
LN License numberLicense number
LR Local Registry IDLocal Registry ID
MA Patient Medicaid numberPatient Medicaid numberClass: InsuranceClass: InsuranceArmennummer
MB Member NumberAn identifier for the insured of an insurance policy (this insured always has a subscriber), usually assigned by the insurance carrier.Use Case: Person is covered by an insurance policy. This person may or may not be the subscriber of the policy.An identifier for the insured of an insurance policy (this insured always has a subscriber), usually assigned by the insurance carrier.<p>Use Case: Person is covered by an insurance policy. This person may or may not be the subscriber of the policy.
MC Patient's Medicare numberPatient's Medicare numberClass: InsuranceClass: InsuranceRentnernummer
MCD Practitioner Medicaid numberPractitioner Medicaid numberClass: InsuranceClass: Insurance
MCN Microchip NumberMicrochip Number
MCR Practitioner Medicare numberPractitioner Medicare numberClass: InsuranceClass: Insurance
MCT Marriage CertificateA number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's marriage.A number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's marriage.
MD Medical License numberAn identifier that is unique to a medical doctor within the jurisdiction of a licensing board.Use Case: These license numbers are sometimes used as identifiers. In some states, the same authority issues all three identifiers, e.g., medical, osteopathic, and physician assistant licenses all issued by one state medical board. For this case, the CX data type requires distinct identifier types to accurately interpret component 1. Additionally, the distinction among these license types is critical in most health care settings (this is not to convey full licensing information, which requires a segment to support all related attributes).An identifier that is unique to a medical doctor within the jurisdiction of a licensing board. Use Case: These license numbers are sometimes used as identifiers. In some states, the same authority issues all three identifiers, e.g., medical, osteopathic, and physician assistant licenses all issued by one state medical board. For this case, the CX data type requires distinct identifier types to accurately interpret component 1. Additionally, the distinction among these license types is critical in most health care settings (this is not to convey full licensing information, which requires a segment to support all related attributes).
MI Military ID numberA number assigned to an individual who has had military duty, but is not currently on active duty. The number is assigned by the DOD or Veterans' Affairs (VA).A number assigned to an individual who has had military duty, but is not currently on active duty. The number is assigned by the DOD or Veterans' Affairs (VA).
MR Medical record numberAn identifier that is unique to a patient within a set of medical records, not necessarily unique within an application.An identifier that is unique to a patient within a set of medical records, not necessarily unique within an application.Krankenaktennummer
MRT Temporary Medical Record NumberTemporary version of a Medical Record NumberUse Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign medical record numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary medical record number that will only be used until an official medical record number is assigned.Temporary version of a Medical Record Number Use Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign medical record numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary medical record number that will only be used until an official medical record number is assigned.
MS MasterCardMasterCardDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Deprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.MasterCard
NBSNR Secondary physician office numberSecondary physician office numberNebenbetriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.Nebenbetriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.
NCT Naturalization CertificateA number associated with a document identifying a person's retention of citizenship in a particular country.A number associated with a document identifying a person's retention of citizenship in a particular country.
NE National employer identifierNational employer identifierIn the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.
NH National Health Plan IdentifierNational Health Plan IdentifierClass: Insurance Used for the UK NHS national identifier.Class: Insurance<p>Used for the UK NHS national identifier.<p>In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.
NI National unique individual identifierNational unique individual identifierClass: Insurance In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.Class: Insurance In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.
NII National Insurance Organization IdentifierNational Insurance Organization IdentifierClass: Insurance In Germany a national identifier for an insurance company. It is printed on the insurance card (health card). It is not to be confused with the health card number itself.<p>Krankenkassen-ID der KV-KarteClass: Insurance In Germany a national identifier for an insurance company. It is printed on the insurance card (health card). It is not to be confused with the health card number itself.<p>Krankenkassen-ID der KV-KarteInstitutskennzeichen der Krankenkasse
NIIP National Insurance Payor Identifier (Payor)National Insurance Payor Identifier (Payor)Class: Insurance In Germany the insurance identifier addressed as the payor.<p>Krankenkassen-ID des Rechnungsempfängers<p>Use case: a subdivision issues the card with their identifier, but the main division is going to pay the invoices.Class: Insurance In Germany the insurance identifier addressed as the payor.<p>Krankenkassen-ID des Rechnungsempfängers<p>Use case: a subdivision issues the card with their identifier, but the main division is going to pay the invoices.Vertragskassennummer (VKNR)
NNxxx National Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country codeNational Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country code
NP Nurse practitioner numberAn identifier that is unique to a nurse practitioner within the jurisdiction of a certifying board.An identifier that is unique to a nurse practitioner within the jurisdiction of a certifying board.
NPI National provider identifierNational provider identifierClass: Insurance In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.Class: Insurance In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.
OBI Observation Instance IdentifierUnique and persistent identifier for an observation instanceFor example in the IHE-LCC Profile this is used to identify the OBX-21 of the result for which a clarification is requested using an OML^O59_OML_O59 message structure
OD Optometrist license numberA number that is unique to an individual optometrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.A number that is unique to an individual optometrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.
PA Physician Assistant numberAn identifier that is unique to a physician assistant within the jurisdiction of a licensing boardAn identifier that is unique to a physician assistant within the jurisdiction of a licensing boardAssistenzarztnummer
PC Parole CardA number identifying a person on parole.A number identifying a person on parole.
PCN Penitentiary/correctional institution NumberA number assigned to individual who is incarcerated.A number assigned to individual who is incarcerated.
PE Living Subject Enterprise NumberAn identifier that is unique to a living subject within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).An identifier that is unique to a living subject within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).
PEN Pension NumberPension Number
PGN Placer Group NumberUnique identifier assigned to a group of orders by the placer application.This is analogous to the Placer Group Number ORC-4.
PHC Public Health Case IdentifierIdentifier assigned to a person during a case investigation as part of a public health eventFor example every person affected by the Norovirus outbreak on a cruise ship will be assigned a case ID for investigation and follow up
PHE Public Health Event IdentifierIdentifier assigned to an event of interest to public healthFor example an outbreak of Norovirus on a cruise ship – this is assigned by a public health jurisdiction at the local, state or federal level
PHO Public Health Official IDAn identifier for a person working at a public health agency (PHA), assigned or issued by the agencyMay need to identify contact in a PHA that approved a test request or is in charge of an investigation.
PI Patient internal identifierA number that is unique to a patient within an Assigning Authority.A number that is unique to a patient within an Assigning Authority.interne Patienten-ID
PIN Premises Identifier Number (US Official)Identifier that uniquely identifies a geographic location in the US.The owner of the premises, or a person designated by the owner of the premises, can register his/her location. A premises identification number, or PIN, is then permanently assigned to that location associating it with the mailing address. If there is no mailing address at the property, geographic coordinates—latitude and longitude—can be used instead to describe the location. A premises identification number (PIN) is a unique, 7-digit code that includes both letters and numbers. Example: A123R69
PLAC Placer IdentifierAn identifier for a request where the identifier is issued by the person or service making the request.
PN Person numberA number that is unique to a living subject within an Assigning Authority.A number that is unique to a living subject within an Assigning Authority.Personen-ID
PNT Temporary Living Subject NumberTemporary version of a Living Subject Number.Temporary version of a Lining Subject Number.
PPIN Medicare/CMS Performing Provider Identification NumberMedicare/CMS Performing Provider Identification NumberClass: InsuranceClass: InsuranceClass: Insurance
PPN Passport numberA unique number assigned to the document affirming that a person is a citizen of the country.In the US this number is issued only by the State Department.A unique number assigned to the document affirming that a person is a citizen of the country. In the US this number is issued only by the State Department.Passnummer
PRC Permanent Resident Card NumberPermanent Resident Card Number
PRN Provider numberA number that is unique to an individual provider, a provider group or an organization within an Assigning Authority.Use case: This allows PRN to represent either an individual (a nurse) or a group/organization (orthopedic surgery team).A number that is unique to an individual provider, a provider group or an organization within an Assigning Authority.<p>Use case: This allows PRN to represent either an individual (a nurse) or a group/organization (orthopedic surgery team).
PT Patient external identifierPatient external identifierexterne Patienten-ID
QA QA numberQA number
RI Resource identifierA generalized resource identifier.Use Case: An identifier type is needed to accommodate what are commonly known as resources. The resources can include human (e.g. a respiratory therapist), non-human (e.g., a companion animal), inanimate object (e.g., an exam room), organization (e.g., diabetic education class) or any other physical or logical entity.A generalized resource identifier. Use Case: An identifier type is needed to accommodate what are commonly known as resources. The resources can include human (e.g. a respiratory therapist), non-human (e.g., a companion animal), inanimate object (e.g., an exam room), organization (e.g., diabetic education class) or any other physical or logical entity.
RN Registered Nurse NumberAn identifier that is unique to a registered nurse within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.An identifier that is unique to a registered nurse within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.
RPH Pharmacist license numberAn identifier that is unique to a pharmacist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.An identifier that is unique to a pharmacist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.
RR Railroad Retirement numberAn identifier for an individual enrolled with the Railroad Retirement Administration. Analogous to, but distinct from, a Social Security NumberAn identifier for an individual enrolled with the Railroad Retirement Administration. Analogous to, but distinct from, a Social Security NumberSeniorenkartennummer
RRI Regional registry IDRegional registry ID
RRP Railroad Retirement ProviderRailroad Retirement ProviderClass: InsuranceClass: Insurance
SAMN SAMN# accession NumberThe accession number for the BioSample data repository at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)This accession is a permanent record locator for the BioSample record which contains metadata about the biological sample.
SB Social Beneficiary IdentifierAn identifier issued by a governmental organization to a person to identify the person should they apply for or receive social services and/or benefits
SID Specimen IDIdentifier for a specimen.Used when it is not known if the specimen ID is a unique specimen ID (USID) or an ancestor ID (ASID).Identifier for a specimen. Used when it is not known if the specimen ID is a unique specimen ID (USID) or an ancestor ID (ASID).
SL State licenseState license
SN Subscriber NumberAn identifier for a subscriber of an insurance policy which is unique for, and usually assigned by, the insurance carrier.Class: Insurance Use Case: A person is the subscriber of an insurance policy. The person’s family may be plan members, but are not the subscriber.Class: Insurance An identifier for a subscriber of an insurance policy which is unique for, and usually assigned by, the insurance carrier. Use Case: A person is the subscriber of an insurance policy. The person’s family may be plan members, but are not the subscriber.
SNBSN State assigned NDBS card IdentifierThe identifier on a Newborn Screening Dried Bloodspot (NDBS) card that is assigned by the state which provided the sample collection cards and to whom this information must be reportedFor use either with OBX-5 as CX datatype, where OBX-3 uses LOINC 57716-3^State printed on filter paper card [Identifier] in NBS card^LN, or in SPM-31
SNO Serial NumberAn identifier affixed to an item by the manufacturer when it is first made, where each item has a different identifier.
SP Study PermitA number associated with a permit identifying a person who is a resident of a jurisdiction for the purpose of education.A number associated with a permit identifying a person who is a resident of a jurisdiction for the purpose of education.
SR State registry IDState registry ID
SRX SRA Accession numberThe accession number generated by the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) when sequence data are uploaded to NCBI.This provides both the sequence data and metadata on how the sample was sequenced. – This accession is a permanent record locator for the submitted un-assembled sequence data.
SS Social Security numberSocial Security numberSozialversicherungsnummer
STN Shipment Tracking NumberIdentifier assigned to a package being shippedFor example the Fed Ex / UPS / DHS / USPS tracking number
TAX Tax ID numberTax ID numberSteueridentifikationsnummer
TN Treaty Number/ (Canada)A number assigned to a member of an indigenous group in Canada.Use Case: First Nation.A number assigned to a member of an indigenous group in Canada.<p>Use Case: First Nation.
TPR Temporary Permanent Resident (Canada)A number associated with a document identifying a person's temporary permanent resident status.A number associated with a document identifying a person's temporary permanent resident status.
TRL Training License NumberThe license number used during training.
U Unspecified identifierUnspecified identifier
UDI Universal Device IdentifierAn identifier assigned to a device using the Unique Device Identification framework as defined by IMDRF (http://imdrf.org).
UPIN Medicare/CMS (formerly HCFA)'s Universal Physician Identification numbersAn identifier for a provider within the CMS/Medicare program. A globally unique identifier for the provider in the Medicare program.Class: InsuranceClass: Insurance<p>An identifier for a provider within the CMS/Medicare program. A globally unique identifier for the provider in the Medicare program.
USID Unique Specimen IDA unique identifier for a specimen.A unique identifier for a specimen.
VN Visit numberVisit numberFallnummer
VP Visitor PermitA number associated with a document identifying a person as a visitor of a jurisdiction or country.A number associated with a document identifying a person as a visitor of a jurisdiction or country.Besucherkennung
VS VISAVISADeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.Deprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.VISA
WC WIC identifierWIC identifier
WCN Workers' Comp NumberWorkers' Comp Number
WP Work PermitA number associated with a permit for a person who is granted permission to work in a country for a specified time period.A number associated with a permit for a person who is granted permission to work in a country for a specified time period.
XV Health Plan IdentifierNational unique health plan identifier required by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the US Realm.Also referred to as HPID (Health Plan Identifier).The code value ‘XV’ is used in CMS mandated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) transactions.
XX Organization identifierOrganization identifierOrganisations-ID